Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Dinner

We have a tradition of getting together as a family every other Sunday afternoon to share a big home cooked meal and family fellowship.  It is a time when we come together and share events from the previous days and reconnect.  We spend the afternoons watching sports on TV.  We have done this for years and it saddens me to think that soon the grandchildren will have lives of their own and the family will find it hard to all be together as we are now.  We have an unspoken promise not to bring up any negativity during the meal if at all possible - there is enough of that in our daily lives sometimes anyway.  We want to create warm memories of pleasant conversation and good food.   My mother started this tradition and when my kids were growing up, we sat around Mom's table and ate her wonderful fried chicken and visited.  Once Mom grew older and unable to cook, the tradition was transferred to my house.  Mom had her special place at our table.  For a while, she would bring her macaroni and cheese dish when she came.  She always felt the need to contribute to the meal.  Even after she was no longer able to cook, she would bring an angel food cake to share.  I miss her sitting at our table.  I am trying to be very aware of the blessings of family and realize that I, too will someday have to give up this labor of love.  I know my daughter will assume the roll when that time comes.  But until that time, Clark and I enjoy watching the family laugh and talk.  Even our little dogs are excited on family Sunday.  We're all thankful for the blessing of family.

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