Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chicken House

My brother, Wendell Carver, of Russellville, Ohio recently completed this Chicken House on his farm.  The box on the left side has a double layer of laying boxes.  He completed this project mainly out of salvaged materials so this is truly a "green" project.  Pictured are the Black Australorp breed and the Red New Hampshire breed.  The Australorps were originated in Australia where they were bred chiefly for their egg production where some were tracked at laying 364 days out of 365.  At 8 weeks these birds have a 2.09 feed conversion ratio so the return on investment is rapid.  He has had a lot of chicken and noodle meals.  Neighbors are calling him for his freshly dressed chickens.  They are ready for the pot in 33 to 38 days.  I think he could be in business if he chose to.  As always, my brother impresses me with his ingenuity and imagination.


  1. What a cute chicken house!
    Thanks for the info on chickens!
    Prim Blessings

  2. I'd say that's more like a chicken mansion! Very cool!

  3. Those are some mighty fancy digs for chickens! Wow!! Love the "landscaping" they have....lucky birds!! ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
