Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Found Fabric Shop!

I went grocery shopping today and stopped in at one of my favorite Primitive Shops, Kountry Sunshine in Mt. Orab, Ohio to see my friend Kathleen.  I was telling her that I found it difficult to find fabric that I really liked for my sewing projects.  She said that the best place she had found was a little shop called "Schoolhouse Quilts" in Georgetown, OH (about 10 miles from her shop and about 15 miles from my home.  So, after I bought my groceries, I went to the shop and I could hardly believe my eyes when I got there.  There were several rooms of fabulous material!  She even had calicos and homespun pieces!  I thought I was in sewing heaven!  I told her that I didn't know there were shops like hers anymore.  I have gone to JoAnn Fabrics a lot, but they have many various kinds of fabric.  At this shop, it was dedicated to quilters and they often make primitive quilts so therefore, they have primitive fabric!  I told the lady that I would certainly be back.

Oh, and I learned something new today.  I have (so far) coffee stained my fabrics to "grunge" them up.  I also read that Walnut ink crystals work good mixed with water and either painted or sprayed on fabrics.  I just received a small jar in the mail and haven't tried it yet.  Kathleen told me today that several of her favorite crafters use Rit liquid dye in the "Tan" color.  They dye their fabric before they sew it.  As soon as I can get some in the correct color, I am going to try that.  Has anyone ever tried Rit dye in the Tan color?  Anyway, I am still learning and having a good time.  Just thought I would share!


  1. Don't ya just love finding those hidden treasures? I found a quaint prim quilt shop last weekend; bought some wool and a rug hooker and fell in love with the owners civil war quilts...I wanted to buy 2 of them!
    You can also use brown shoe polish-the solid type in the round container found in the shoe dept. I have the walnut ink spray but haven't used it or the rit dye. I love using vanilla with my coffee stain. some even use powdered cocoa with their coffee mixture.
    This prim stuff is fun!!

  2. Glad you found a new source. We, too, have problems finding calicoes and homespuns - we have a great local quilt shop, but even they don't carry the primitive fabrics. Have fun...(And, hey - have you been taking grocery shopping lessons from Lil Raggedy Angie???) ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Wow, my fabric is limited in my area, wish we had a shop like that, so glad you found it, can't wait to see what you make. Hugs, Lecia
